A spicy, tangy soup which can be made as vegan or with a ham stock

Originally this is a soup I made after cooking a smoked ham hock to remove the salt. However, it can easily be adapted to a vegan meal by omitting the ham (duh) and adding miso paste
smoked ham hock (optional)
2 bunches of coriander
miso paste (if you're not using meat)
Watch the video
Scrub the carrots, peel the onion and remove the outer leaves and any woody ends from the leek - this depends on how old it is, or when you picked it
Coarsely chop the onions, celery, leeks and carrots
Fry them in a little oil in a pan big enough to take the ham hock if you're using it
When they're softened, add the ham hock and cover in water - it will take a lot of water, depending on the size
Vegan alternative, you'll need a lot less water, and add 2-3 teaspoons of miso paste - this will also mean you don't need salt
Cook for 3 hours, skimming any froth that sits on the surface
Vegan alternative - an hour will do it. Although many folk say cooking veg removes the necessity to cook for a long time, the miso will infuse better, and if you cook things gently enough, taste does improve over time
Remove the ham - maybe doing a roast
Add finely chopped coriander, chilli and ginger
Blitz or blend
Cook for another 30 minutes to 1 hour. Taste and see whether you want to add some ground coriander too