Spicy, tasty, simple

This is such a simple dish. Typical of Italian rustic dishes: few ingredients, not too fussy to make and really tasty.
If you can't get Italian sausage, I'd try something like merguez or Toulouse. Failing that, some cured sausage. I'm not sure chorizo would work as well on account of the paprika, but if that's what floats your boat...
Italian sausage (see above)
dried sage
white wine
pecorino cheese - Parmesan would be ok if it's all you have
caserecce pasta - or whatever you have!
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Top and tail the leek. Cut it into finger-length pieces, then slice them lengthways
Wash the leek. You can do it first, but I find washing it in a colander after it's sliced up is better for really cleaning it
Cut the sausage in half lengthways, then roughly slice it
Finely chop the chilli - the more seeds you leave, the hotter the dish
Heat olive oil in a pan
Add the chilli and cook for about 5 minutes - till the oil is coloured
Add the sausage and stir it through
Cook it for about 10 minutes
Add the dried sage and pepper
Let it cook for about 5 minutes, then add a good glug of white wine; it's maybe a glass
Bring it to the boil to cook off the alcohol
Add the leeks, stir them through and cook gently for 10-15 minutes
Meanwhile... salt a pan of water. Bring it to the boil and add the pasta
Remember: turn the heat down to about 80º - you don't need full power to cook pasta
Whatever the recommended cooking time (casarecce are about 9 minutes), we'll do it for 2 minutes less
While the pasta is cooking, whisk up your egg in a bowl or jug and add a good 100g of grated pecorino. You want a thick paste
After 7 minutes (for casarecce) add about 3 ladles of pasta water to the leeks and sausage
Add the pasta
Stir it through and cook for a further 2 minutes
Add the egg & cheese paste. If it's too thick, add another ladle of pasta water
Mix it through and Bob's your uncle